Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WIP-it Wednesday...

...where the main WIP is my studio. Before I get into that, here's a picture of dessert from the fabulous Mother's Day dinner that The Daughter made:

Mother's Day desserts

There's a Key Lime tart, two heart-shaped cheesecakes, a vanilla whoopie pie, and a chocolate whoopie pie. All were yummy!

On to the studio...

The Husband is doing all of the the hard work:  painting and laying the new floor. He's 90% done with the floor and it's looking good! He's staining the wood trim for the ceiling. We decided that the baseboards will be white.

I'm still going through all the stuff we've accumulated. Over the weekend, I went through all of the CDs. I found a bunch of cases with no CDs in them. I'm hoping that they will surface as I continue to sort through everything.

I bought the new wall lights (sconces) for the studio on Saturday. I didn't buy the ones I wanted because they didn't give out enough light. I bought 3 of my second choice, which use 100 watt bulbs and seemed bright enough. I still need to get the track lighting for the room, but the wall lights were the most important.

Today I dropped off the fabric and one box of cookbooks to the Los Altos Methodist Church for their big rummage sale this weekend. I asked if they could handle the rest of the cookbooks and they said yes! I'll drop off the rest of them tonight or tomorrow.

My task in progress is going through about 40 zip drives and backing up  the important stuff to a flash drive. Zip drives used to be the way I backed up my home computer and project files for work. I have a lot of really old files on these! Thank goodness my iomega drive has a USB connector. My Mac Mini is happy with it and I've been copying files for a couple of days now.

Um, crafts? Not so much this month. I did a little spinning on Sunday between yoga class in the morning and dinner at the Daughter's. Other than that, I haven't had the energy!

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WIP-it Wednesday...

 ...a little of this, a little of that. I needed to inject a little calmness, so I started another handspun. Here are the singles for ...