Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...and a weekend report from our kitties:

Lazy Sunday morning

Yup, that's what they looked like all weekend. They did mix up where they slept and whether they slept in the same place, but this sums up their weekend.

My weekend, on the other hand, was very productive.
  • The vacuum monster and I took care of the rugs on Saturday. That was one time that the cats weren't sleeping on the bed!
  • I started plying Mirabel. This is going to take a long time! Usually, I can chain-ply a single in half a day, but this single is very thin. I've put about 5 hours into it, and it doesn't look like I've made much of a dent in it.  I'll need to step up the ace if I want to spin anything else this month!
  • I put about the same amount of time into beading the mermaid and the progress is evident there. I had to stop beading the foam to go back to the beading on the mermaid's body. I was getting very tired of the white and crystal beads. The tail and fins use the red and green beads, so it's a nice change. I'm almost to the torso, so I'll need to decide soon whether I want to redo the back-stitching on her arm.  
  • I spent some time frogging a couple of rows in the Charred Teal Shawl [Ravelry]. I found a place where I missed a stitch and I had to frog 5 rows to find the mistake. I need to frog one more row because the stitch count is off by one. I think I missed a KFB in the previous row. I hope this is the last row I have to pull out!
  • My order of an 82-piece and a 45-piece Elizabeth Ward Bead Storage containers arrived Saturday afternoon. I spent Saturday evening transferring my Mill Hill Beads into the mini-containers and labeling them. I also transferred the Mill Hill Treasures into the larger container. The plastic box that I replaced was very full. There was no room for anything else. The new system still has plenty of space for more beads. When I get a chance, I'll go through some of jewelry beads to see whether they'll fit in the new system.

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