Wednesday, April 09, 2008

today, it's all about Jane...

...because it's her birthday!

Happy Birthday, Jane!

She hasn't posted on her blog in a few days, but go leave her a comment anyway!

Jane and I met in high school. We were friends all 4 years, but after graduation I moved away and we lost touch. Fast forward to October of 2004...she found me on and emailed me. We exchanged lots of emails as we caught up. We segued to IM and now use that as our preferred communication mode. Everyone who knows us is aware that Jane and I have a standing IM date on Monday nights—we try hard not to break that, but sometimes life gets in the way!

The last few weeks, I've been giving her a bad time about her birthday gift. She's been begging for clues, so Monday I told her that her present was "bigger than a bread box, and smaller than a horse." Needless to say, that didn't appease her. So, because I'm late (AGAIN!) in mailing her present (I took it to the post office today, Jane), I thought I'd post a few clues here.
  • The present is made up of four parts, which in total are bigger than a bread box.
    - One celebrates her birthday and can be used every year
    - One celebrates our friendship
    - One will help her through her day

    - One is to share with someone special

  • There is at least some hand-work in each piece.

  • The box holds the best part and must be opened last.
Here are some spring flowers for you...have a great day, Jane! Love ya!


Just Jane said...

Dear Marie,

You have NO IDEA!!! how special this is to have a total "blog" dedicated to are one in a million, I've been blessed with a lifetime of your friendship!
Love, Jane

marie said...

Right back at ya!! Hope you had a great day!

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...I love this time of the year! The path in our backyard has filled out and there are flowers blooming everywhere. This is the view ...