OK, so maybe the picture is a little anti-climactic. "Secret" is a "Begin to Spin" kit for my friend Jane (one of the few people who actually reads this blog..LOL!)
You might be wondering what took me so long to make this present. Well, what you can't see in the picture are the instructions, pictures, and videos that I made describing the process of spinning from my point of view. This part took a while to do. It's hard to take pictures and videos of yourself that you are "OK" with. I had to do some of them over and over again. The Virgo in me is still not totally happy with them, but you can only tweak so long on something!
I started with a kit from Carolina Homespun that had a very generous amount of fiber, the Spin It book, and a Cascade Little Si spindle.
So what's exactly in the kit?
- Cascade Little Si spindle.
- Lined drawstring bag for the spindle, in blue polka-dotted fabric (sorry, no picture...I forgot to take one!). I found great instructions on the happythings blog and used them to make this bag. (happythings has great tutorials for different kinds of drawstring bags, too.)
- Fiber to spin. As you can see in the picture, there are three sampler-size rovings (Corriedale), a large amount of brown wool roving (kind not specified in the Carolina Homespun kit), and some dyed wool roving (again, kind unspecified).
What's not pictured is the sample-sized roving that I pre-drafted. - Spin It book
- Binder of instructions. 18 pages with pictures and an additional page of useful links, plus some fiber samples of what things should look like at various steps.
- CD--ROM with a PDF version of the instructions, 6 short videos showing the major steps in the process, and other useful PDFs.
So once again: Happy Birthday, Jane! Enjoy learning a new craft!
(Just doing my part to share the spinning love with others! )
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