Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Happy 10th Blogiversary to me...

...can you believe it?

I started this blog January 5, 2006 as a way to track my projects. I also wanted to share my projects with friends and anyone else who might be interested. Getting large numbers of followers was never my goal.

The blog is a great way to gauge how a particular project is progressing, and it's fun to finally show a completed project. It's also my journal of how things are going with me and mine, at least in a general way.

In the last year, I've thought about moving the blog to my website (http://solarbrations.com/) and started to research how to do that. Obviously, I didn't get very far. For now, I'm leaving it here. I might move it later.

So, how about a contest for my 10th Blogiversary?

Leave a comment on this post by Midnight PST, Monday 1/18/16.

(No, multiple comments will not give you multiple entries!)

I'll do the random number thing and post the winner on Wednesday, 1/20/16.

The prize is 1 skein of BMFA Socks That Rock Lightweight in Wavelength:

Wavelength Socks That Rock

This yarn was in the May 2012 Rockin' Sock Club installment from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. The mini-skein and club patterns are not included in the prize.

Good luck!

(Recap posts will be coming soon!)


Unknown said...

This reminds me to revive my blog! Since Facebook, I've been catching a lot of your creativity through your FB posts. Thanks for all the beautiful photography and needlework!

Bogie said...

Wow, you're into double digits?? Happy Anniversary!!

Jane said...

You are a miracle worker in so many ways! How I admire all your works of art. ..and treasure our everlasting friendship !!!! 😆

spinnity said...

Wow, 10 years? Congrats, Marie!

Lorewong said...

Congrats on your tenth anniversary! You rock!

seltsame said...

You don't need to add me to the drawing, but yay on 10 years!

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...