Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

....it was supposed to have a finished objects, but I hadn't had a minute to take a photo. Heck,  it's after 6PM and I'm barely getting to the blog post.
  1. I finished the Drake's Bay handspun [Ravelry] over the weekend. It's beautiful and I love it.
  2. Still can't find that missing project.
  3. I finished the arch and started the white background of the Santa Fe #5 needlepoint project. I'm in the home stretch!
  4. I think I'm ready to start sewing squares together for the commission quilt. I cycled out another color and replaced it with something more colorful. Hopefully, this weekend I can get started.
  5. I was plagued with a headache all day Sunday, which put a damper on getting started on the sewing the commission quilt. My head was not back to normal until around 7pm. Since I couldn't concentrate on anything challenging, I finished the back stitching for a couple of Christmas ornaments I found during my search for the missing project.
  6. Friday is a holiday...hooray!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Last Eye Candy Friday for June...

...hard to believe that my craft-cation is only 12 days away!  SO looking forward to that!

So, my brother sent me a late Christmas present. He's a welder and he made me a set of wind shines with a cat wind sail:

Wind chimes: cat wind sail

It's pretty cool how much detail he got in that cat!

The Husband bought some pink vinca for the hanging baskets in the backyard:

Pink vinca

And he swapped the petunias in the courtyard for these purple calibrachoa:

Purple calibrachoa 2

Up this weekend: No specific plans, just some ideas.

I have some photos to take of the last few projects I discovered while I was looking for my missing project.

I really need to get serious on the commission quilt. Maybe I can get the top sewn together, or at least start sewing it!

I have the Drake's Bay handspun [Ravelry] to ply, too.

Any combination of those things and my normal weekend chores should keep me plenty busy!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

WIP-it Wednesday...

...and I have progress to show on my needlepoint project.

Santa Fe #5, as of 6/24/2015

As you can see, I'm almost done with the long stitches on the arch. Next I will stitch a row of continental stitches in a metallic on the inside of the arch. Then, I'll stitch the white background inside the arch. The white background will take the longest.

I have several other painted canvases in my stash--some more Tish Holland, several Tuoti, and a few small  ETA (Ellen's Tribal Arts) canvases. When I'm done with this project, maybe I'll start one of them.

I also did a little work on the Equatorial Nights [Ravelry] project. I'm having some trouble keeping track of where I am because the chart is on 3 pages and I'm working on 2 circulars. Even though I have markers to indicate the when to change chart pages, I still get lost. I'm going to cut chart page 2 in half and tape things together to match how I'm knitting it. I hope that this will help me avoid having to frog back to fix the bead placement. We'll see!

WIP Roll Call

Worked on:
  1. Beyond Antares, aka Equatorial Nights (knitting) [Ravelry]
    Working on row 19, but I need to frog the row to fix the bead placement.
  2. Stealth Commission Project (quilting)
    Very close to the final layout.
  3. Santa Fe #5 (needlepoint)
    See above.
Works In Progress, did not work on:
  • Be My Baby for My Baby (knitting) [Ravelry
  • Mermaid of the Pearls (cross stitch)
  • Scardy Sheep Scissor Fob (cross stitch)
  1. Celaeno Shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  2. Going Snow Global quilt (quilting)
  3. Peacock Pomatomus socks (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Peacock Majesty by Just Nan (cross stitch)
  5. Tuscon Twilight (needlepoint)
WIPs To Be:
  • A peacock or mermaid quilt for me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday and an F.O....

...I finished one from the UFO list!

Here are the Halloween Phat Fiber samples [Ravelry] that I started spinning in 2012:

October 2011 Phat Fiber Fluff samples

Started 10/2/2012
Finished 6/20/2015
Fiber samples from multiple vendors
Some singles, some two-ply, and some chain plied
Did not measure yardage and I estimate that most of them are worsted weight

I'm really happy to be done with them. Some samples were easy to spin and others were a P.I.T.A.!
  1.  I finished spinning the singles of Drake's Bay. I did not get a chance to photograph that one yet. It's on-hold until I can get back to it.
  2. I worked a little on the commission quilt. I'm still rearranging blocks. At some point, I'm just going to have to stop and just get to the sewing part.
  3. The Husband decided at the last minute to invite his parents over for a Father's Day BBQ  lunch. Ay! At least I had Saturday night to clean house. It went well, but it took a big chunk out of my weekend crafting plans!
  4. The Daughter also came to lunch, which was wonderful. She brought me a beautiful bouquet of orange mums and bluebells (I think).
  5. I'm still making excellent progress on the Santa Fe #5 needlepoint. I passed the halfway point on the arch! The only thing left after than is the white background (I hate white) and the addition of some dangling beads from his headband. It has been an enjoyable piece to stitch, much more so than Tucson Twilight!
  6.  I still haven't found my missing project...

Friday, June 19, 2015

Eye Candy Friday...

...another week just whipped on by!

We finished harvesting the apricots from our original tree and now the rogue tree's fruit is almost ready:

Blenheim apricots on the rogue tree

The kangaroo paws plant is finally beginning to look like something besides a couple of buds on the end of a stem:

Yellow Kangaroo Paws 1

And the hydrangeas are turning a lovely pink:

Pink hydrangeas

Up this weekend: Who knows!?  It's Father's Day, but we haven't made any plans yet. The Daughter has been out of town until now so I don't know what her schedule is like. We'll have to play it by ear.

I seriously need some sleep, so much so that I've even toyed with the idea of checking into a hotel for one night just so the cats and my husband don't wake me up!

I have so many projects to choose from that I'm having a hard time focusing on one. Another play-it-by-ear situation...I hope I land on one quickly!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

WIP-it Wednesday, blog and run style...

...the day got away from me, so this will be quick. Basically, I didn't work on most of my WIPs, just the commission piece and the needlepoint project. Oh, and searching for the elusive Love scissor fob project.

WIP Roll Call

Worked on:

  1. Stealth Commission Project (quilting)
    Tried another layout and hated it. Back to the previous version with some modifications.
  2. Santa Fe #5 (needlepoint)
    Almost finished with the man--just need to finish the feather in his headband. Then it's on to the frame/arch.
Works In Progress, did not work on:
  • Be My Baby for My Baby (knitting) [Ravelry
  • Beyond Antares, aka Equatorial Nights (knitting) [Ravelry]
  • Halloween Phat Fiber samples (spinning) [Ravelry]
  • Mermaid of the Pearls (cross stitch)
  • Scardy Sheep Scissor Fob (cross stitch)
  • Shepherd's Bush Christmas Ornament 2004
  1. Celaeno Shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  2. Going Snow Global quilt (quilting)
  3. Peacock Pomatomus socks (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Peacock Majesty by Just Nan (cross stitch)
  5. Tuscon Twilight (needlepoint)
WIPs To Be:
  • A peacock or mermaid quilt for me.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...no finished objects today.
  • At Spin-In, I started a lovely Merino-Bmboo from Royal Hare called Drake's Bay [Ravelry]. I've spun about 2/3rds of the bump and like how it looks so far.
  • I still can't find the Love scissor fob pieces. I've looked through almost everything in my studio. I have no idea where it's hiding.
  • I'm making great progress on the Santa Fe #5 needlepoint canvas. I've almost finished the figure, just a feather left to stitch. Then I can move on to stitching the arch.
  • I tried a different configuration for the commission piece and hated it. I went back to my original idea and made adjustments from there. I'm thisclose to sewing the top.
  • I'm not quite as close when it comes to rolling out my website redesign. I still have one page to finish formatting and a bunch of project dates needs to be checked. I hope to have it out there by the end of the month.
  • Once I finish that, I'll have to update my master project list to add the projects I have rediscovered and add or modify the project dates that were not previously documented. It sounds like a lot of work, but I love the whole organizational thing. :)
  • Still haven't found someplace to donate/sell/unload my 5 banker's boxes of cross stitch stuff...

Friday, June 12, 2015

Eye Candy Friday...

...and I'm all alone at work, holding down the fort.  At least I can play my music out loud without bothering anyone!

This flower caught my eye yesterday morning. This is a Gloriosa lily that was partially hidden by the blackberry vines:

Gloriosa Lily

This Mandevilla vine started blooming this week:

Flower with water drops

And the gladiolas are coming along:

Pink and cream gladiola

Up this weekend: Spin-In tomorrow. I already know that I'm making something with apricots because we have a ton of them!  Not sure whether it will be muffins or bread yet. It really depends on how much energy I have in the morning and if I have all of the ingredients (read: don't have to go to the store!).

I need to get back to the commission projects and stop getting side-tracked by reorganizing by stash. I'm close to having the top layout done. I need to take a few pictures of it and look at them to see whether anything should be shifted around.

I'm still making good progress on the needlepoint project. I should get back to my knitting projects soon, though.

Sleep would also be good...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

WIP-it Wednesday...

...I'm making progress on the needlepoint project, but not much else.

Here is Santa Fe #5 as of this morning:

Santa Fe #5, as of 6/10/15

His blanket is coming along nicely. Fortunately I found enough purple DMC Medici wool in my stash to do this project. DMC discontinued Medici a while ago, so I'm happy for the small amounts I have in my stash. If I do another one of Tish's canvases, I'll have to find a Medici substitute and order what I need.

WIP Roll Call

Worked on:

  1. Beyond Antares, aka Equatorial Nights (knitting) [Ravelry]
    Working on row 18 of 62.
  2. Stealth Commission Project (quilting)
    Still working on the layout of the top.
  3. Santa Fe #5 (needlepoint)
    Finished the pottery, stitched the neck and leg (tan), and finished the first color in the blanket he's wearing.
Works In Progress, did not work on:
  • Be My Baby for My Baby (knitting) [Ravelry
  • Halloween Phat Fiber samples (spinning) [Ravelry]
  • Mermaid of the Pearls (cross stitch)
  • Scardy Sheep Scissor Fob (cross stitch)
  • Shepherd's Bush Christmas Ornament 2004
  1. Celaeno Shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  2. Going Snow Global quilt (quilting)
  3. Peacock Pomatomus socks (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Peacock Majesty by Just Nan (cross stitch)
  5. Tuscon Twilight (needlepoint)
WIPs To Be:
  • A peacock or mermaid quilt for me.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...and an F.O.!

I finished Sochi [Ravelry] on Sunday:

Sochi handspun

and a close up:

Sochi handspun, close up

Started 5/16/15
Finished 6/7/15
Camel-Silk top (4.0 oz.) from Greenwood Fiberworks
176.8 yds, 14 WPI

It's a much more balanced yarn than I've been spinning lately, so I'm very pleased with it. I just love the Camel-Silk top from Greenwood Fiberworks!

Randomness from the weekend:
  • I got completely sidetracked and spent a good deal of Saturday going through my cross stitch and needlepoint stash. I really wanted to put away the "keeper" charts in something other than bankers boxes that won't fit in my room. I managed to cull out many more kits and kitted projects that need new homes.
  • I now have 5 bankers boxes full of cross stitch and needlepoint stash to cycle out. Wow! There is no way I can take individual photos. That's a lot of charts to list out...at least 400 if not more. And I don't want to do the eBay thing. I think I need to sell them in lots!
  • I set aside some complete projects that needed finishing. Somewhere I have carefully stored the completed Love scissor fob pieces that also need finish work. I have no idea where I put them. There are only so many places they can be. They'll probably turn up after I've done all of the finishing work for the current batch. 
  •  I have an inordinate amount of Madeira floss left over from cross stitch festival classes that I'll never stitch. I have very little in the way of needlepoint yarn.
  • I have a lot of Just Nan chart packs and tons of needleroll charts. I have at least 6 more Shepherd's Bush needle roll kits. And I thought 18 completed needlerolls was going to be it. Ha!
  • I have uploaded many photos to my needlework album on Flickr in the last week, including photos of the above-mentioned needlerolls, several scissor fobs, and some very old projects that I discovered tucked away in a folder.
  • For all the stash that I have, I've actually completed a lot of projects over the years. Yay, me!

Friday, June 05, 2015

Eye Candy Friday...

...first one for June.

The bougainvillaea outside of my studio is blooming like crazy:

Bougainvillea in our courtyard

New flowers are appearing in the back yard:


Even the garlic has gotten into the act:

Garlic seed ball

Our berries and apricots are ripening faster than we can eat them. The Husband made a berry tart for dessert last night to use up the pound of berries we picked over the last two days. I looked at the bushes this morning and there are lots more that are ready.

The Blenheim apricots all ripen at the same time. I'm not sure what we'll do to keep up with them!

Up this weekend: More of the same...errands, chores and crafts.

I'm still digging through my stash and finding things I'd forgotten about. I know I went through everything when I moved into my studio, but apparently I have a short memory!

I need to go through the cross stitch charts again, this time with an eye out for certain designers. One of my friends wants to give them a new home. :)

I need to ply Sochi to clear the wheel for Spin-In next weekend.

So many things to do...I wish weekends lasted longer!

Thursday, June 04, 2015

May 2015 recap...

...I did better than I thought I did.


  • 5/4 Serpiente (knitting) [Ravelry]
  • 5/11 Irisa Cowl/Scarf (knitting for Loopy Academy) [Ravelry
  • 5/25 Wild Turquoise handspun [Ravelry]
    Turquoise art rolags from the Yarn Wench;
    188 yds auto-plied with turquoise thread, 10 WPI
  • 5/31 Shepherd's Bush Christmas Ornament from Just CrossStitch ornament Issue 2004  (cross stitch)
  • Books:
    1. Vengeance of the Demon, Diana Rowland
    2. Rising Darkness, Shannon Mayer
    3. Billy Joel, Fred Schruers
    4. Wonderful Tonight, Pattie Boyd
    5. 14th Deadly Sin, James Patterson
    6. The Astronaut Wives Club, Lily Koppel
  • 5/10 Wild Turquoise handspun [Ravelry]
  • 5/16 Sochi handspun (spinning) [Ravelry]
  • 5/25 Santa Fe #5 (needlepoint)
Worked on:
  • Be My Baby for My Baby (knitting) [Ravelry]
  • Beyond Antares, aka Equatorial Nights (knitting) [Ravelry]
  • Stealth Commission project (quilting)
Works In Progress, did not work on:
  • Halloween Phat Fiber samples (spinning) [Ravelry]
  • Mermaid of the Pearls (cross stitch)
  1. Celaeno Shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  2. Going Snow Global quilt (quilting)
  3. Peacock Pomatomus socks (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Peacock Majesty by Just Nan (cross stitch)\
  5. Tuscon Twilight (needlepoint)
WIPs To Be:
  • A peacock or mermaid quilt for me.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

WIP-it Wednesday...

...yup, Monday and Tuesday got away from me. I swear, I felt like the ball in a pinball machine...bouncing from one thing to the next and at the end of the day, not accomplishing what I set out to do.

I spent a part of Saturday and part of Sunday photographing completed stitching projects. Originally, I thought I only had to photograph my needlerolls, scissor fobs, and ornaments--lots of items all on their own. Then I realized that I really didn't have photos of many flat items  (read: stitching intended for framing or pillows) either, so I pulled them out to take photos.

In the midst of the items I expected to see, I found several things that I'd forgotten I had done, many of which date back to the 70s and 80s. Wow...that was a trip down memory lane!  I found a series of crewel pictures that I'd stitched for the Daughter when she was a toddler, a ribbon embroidery piece, and a needlepoint Siamese cat that I stitched before she was born.

The needlepoint and crewel items were interesting because the wool yarn has a distinctive smell...much different that the yarns produced now. There are a couple of places where the yarn is broken, probably due to bugs. In the beginning I didn't know about storing wool items to protect them from bug damage. Given how old they are, I'm surprised that the damage isn't more than a couple of stitches.

I also found some unfinished items, at least two of which will remain unfinished. One is a square pillow top with cross stitch poppies and a monarch butterfly. I had finished the center motif and was working on the corner motifs. Another square pillow top has cross stitch violets with two borders. I had finished the center violets motif and the inside border and was working on the outside border. This piece was also dirty from the embroidery hoop that I'd used.  I washed it with some Orvus, which got most of it out.

I also found a cross stitch Christmas ornament that I started in 2005 (I think). I worked on that and finished the stitching Sunday night. It just needs to be pressed before I can add the charm and do the finishing.

Christmas ornament 2004

Anyway, I did manage to get the photos taken and I'm gradually uploading them to Flickr after a bit of editing.

WIP Roll Call

Worked on:
  1. Beyond Antares, aka Equatorial Nights (knitting) [Ravelry]
    Pulled this out of the UFO pile and cycled out Be My Baby.
  2. Stealth Commission Project (quilting)
    Still working on the layout of the top.
  3. Santa Fe #5 (needlepoint)
    Still stitching the pottery
  4. Scardy Sheep Scissor Fob (cross Stitch)
    Started 6/1/2015
  5. Shepherd's Bush Christmas Ornament 2004
    Need to press, add the charm, and do the finish work. May hold off on the finish work until I have 2 or 3 items that require finish work. 
Works In Progress, did not work on:
  • Be My Baby for My Baby (knitting) [Ravelry
  • Halloween Phat Fiber samples (spinning) [Ravelry]
  • Mermaid of the Pearls (cross stitch)
  • Sochi handspun (spinning) [Ravelry]
  1. Celaeno Shawl (knitting) [Ravelry]
  2. Going Snow Global quilt (quilting)
  3. Peacock Pomatomus socks (knitting) [Ravelry]
  4. Peacock Majesty by Just Nan (cross stitch)
  5. Tuscon Twilight (needlepoint)
WIPs To Be:
  • A peacock or mermaid quilt for me.

Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...