Monday, May 22, 2006

She's come undone...

...let's give one last, admiring look at Jaywalker.

Doesn't she have wonderful stripification on the leg? A little color blazing on the foot, but it gives her so much character! And I just love the Socks That Rock Lagoon colorway. Her only failing was being too tight to get on my foot.

After much thought, angst, and many trying-ons (Maybe I just have a touch of edema? Nope!), I decided that my Jaywalker was just too tight. I took her last portrait and proceeded to turn her into ramen:

She does make pretty ramen, though, doesn't she?

After that I turned Lagoon into a yarn cake and put it aside.

It was fun while it lasted.

I've decided that I'm going to finish my Cedar Creek socks before trying the Jaywalker sock again. I've done about 2 inches on the cuff of the second sock, so I'm moving along. I understand that the next installment of the Rockin' Sock Club is on it's way, so I might have to put off those Jaywalkers for a bit longer.

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Eye Candy Friday...

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