First up, this year's duck family. This picture is from this morning's feeding:

I may have mentioned before that our office complex is home to a duck family every year. This year the ducks were late in arriving so the family is still here. There are 6 babies (who aren't so little any more) and they are brazen little souls when it comes to food. Because we are in an enclosed area that has limited duck food sources and the babies can't fly yet, the mama duck has a tough time bringing in enough food for them all. We feed them corn to supplement their diets. They love the corn and will come knock on our windows when they are hungry. (The picture only shows the mama and 5 babies; the 6th duck was in the water.
Next up, proof that I still knit:

This is one of the cuffs from the Flower Power socks. I love how they are turning out, even though they're hard on the hands. So far, I've done 12 rows of the 20 necessary for the cuffs.
And here is a picture of the first "big" picture I ever cross stitched. I did this carousel horse in 1989 for my friend Julie.

It was a kit for a unicorn carousel horse, but I decided not to do the horn and just adjusted the mane to exclude it.

I wish I had a better picture of it, but this was way before digital cameras and I had to scan the only photo I had. I learned how to make (and hate) bullion knots with this project. I now avoid bullion knots whenever possible! (I also learned how to cut a mat for this picture...)
I found this picture and a bunch of other project pictures when I was updating my project database. I'm slowing getting these pictures scanned so I can put them in my web site's project pages.
Up this weekend: More spinning, the start of my secret Christmas project (yes, for you, Jane! And no hints, either!
Have a good one!
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