Friday, June 18, 2010

Eye Candy Friday from the garden...

...yes, it's that time of the year. And, no, it's not pictures of apricots. (Well, not yet, anyway!)

Remember the pictures of the squash blossoms I showed 2 weeks ago? Here is the first harvest:

Little squash harvest

They are small—2 or 3 bites each—but they should be tasty!

The poppies are all gone, but they left behind some huge seed pods:

Poppy pods and seeds

When you pick one of these up, the seeds pour out! (I should really make a Flickr set for garden things that look like they're from outer space...)

I think I mentioned that I've been weeding through my needlework stash and trying to find somewhere to donate magazines, etc. Well, today I met with a president of the Santa Clara Valley chapter of the EGA. The chapter accepted my donation of cross stitch magazines (read: 5 large magazine holders full), plus some charts, and all of my small kits.  They will use them to earn money for their chapter and donate some to other charitable organizations. Hooray! I get a tax donation and my [former] things will be used by someone instead of being ignored in storage! Win-win!

Up this weekend: Spin-In! Yay!  I've missed the last two and am really looking forward to this. I haven't quite figured out what to take as a munchie...I guess if  I can't think of anything else, I can always  make biscotti!

I'm not sure whether we're doing anything for Father's Day. The Husband and I haven't talked about it yet. His father lives in the area so we might go visit.  We'll see...

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WIP-it Wednesday...

 ...a little of this, a little of that. I needed to inject a little calmness, so I started another handspun. Here are the singles for ...