Friday, January 21, 2011

Eye Candy Friday, express version...

...I have a lot of work to do and we did have that extra "contest winner" post yesterday!

Eye candy was a stretch this week. My old stand-by (sky pictures) failed me in that they were either too foggy or too clear to take interesting pictures.  Most of the garden is in winter mode, so aside from the roses I showed you last week, not a lot is blooming.

The strawberry plant, though, looked nice with morning dew coating its leaves. Some green leaves...

Strawberry leaves

...and s red one.

Red strawberry leaves

Up this weekend: I have some prizes to make and get ready for mailing!  Aside from the normal weekend activities, I want to finish the top for the teal quilt and finish up the marine silk wrap that I have on the loom. That's enough to keep me busy!

Have a great weekend!

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WIP-it Wednesday...

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