Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Top-of-the-Waves Tuesday...

...so far, so good.
  1. Spin-In was held at a different location this month. We got to see Amy's new home, taste some wonderful food (yay for the gluten-free muffins and and the iced minty melon drink!). I baked some triple-chocolate brownies to share.
  2. At Spin-In, I started spinning Lilac [Ravelry], a Merino-Bamboo-Silk top from Miss Babs that I bought at Stitches West 2011. I've spun about 2.5 ounces of the 4.0 oz. in the bump.
  3. I finished hemstitching the Dreams of Amethyst Shawl [Ravelry]. I cut it off of the loom and gave it a bath on Saturday. After it was dry, I trimmed the fringe. I started to twist the fringe, but stopped as I'm not sure whether I like the look. I'm still thinking about it.
  4. I spend a little time on Tucson Twilight (needlepoint). I'm a little bored with this project as it uses the same stitch pattern for a large portion of the piece...the only difference is the color of the fiber. That's not enough to hold my interest.
  5. I knit a bit more on the Parritch Bonnet [Ravelry]. I'm now on row 14 of 25 before the decreases. It's a good project to work on while watching Outlander, although I do find that I completely stop knitting during the exciting parts. ;-)
  6. We finished and e-filed our taxes. I'm so glad to get that before the deadline,  and not have to pay for a change!
  7. I strung a ton of beads for the Mermaid Bling art yarn [Ravelry]. I need to finish spinning the singles for the Lilac handspun so I can switch to the jumbo flyer to finish both yarns.
  8. I am still working on the layout of the commission project. I'm trying to decide how much of each fabric to use without going completely nuts.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...blog and run. Visiting mom's and her roses are blooming.