Friday, July 07, 2017

Eye Candy Friday...

...and a Tour de Fleece update. First is the Eye Candy.

Our spider lilies are blooming:

Spider Lily

The tomatillos are starting to come in:

Tomatillo, in process

and this summer begonia looked wonderful in the morning sun:

Summer begonia in the morning sun

Tour de Fleece, Days 5 and 6:

With my limited craft time on work days, I'm happy to get an hour's worth of spinning done in the evenings. I started Moss Rose [Ravelry] on Day five and continued to spin it on Day 6. I'll finish the singles today and probably ply it tomorrow.

Here's what it looked like last night:

Moss Rose, as of 7/6/17

Up this weekend: More spinning! When I'm not spinning, I'll be working on the quilt and the mermaid. It should be a great, crafty weekend!

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