Monday, July 10, 2017

Tour de Fleece weekend report...

...and, yes, I'm posting on a Monday.

Tour de Fleece, Day 7:

Finished spinning the singles for Moss Ros.

Moss Rose, ready to ply

Tour de Fleece, Day 8:

I took Day 8 as my Challenge day instead of Day 9. My challenge was to finish Moss Ross and to finish spinning the singles for Lava.

This is Moss Rose [Ravelry]:

Moss Rose handspun

and the close-up:

Moss Rose handspun, close up

Started 7/5/17
Finished 7/8/17
Falkland (4.4 oz.) from The Yarn Wench
119.1 yds. chain ply, 10 WPI
Tour de Fleece Days 5 through 8

Here are the singles for Lava.

Lava singles

Tour de Fleece, Day 9:

Chain-plied Lava [Ravelry]. There is only one photo for Lava because I accidentally left the other at home.

Lava handspun

Started 7/7/17
Finished 7/9/17
Falkand (4.3 oz.) from The Yarn Wench
206.6 yds. chain-ply, 13 WPI
Tour de Fleece Days 7 through 9

My knees are very sore, which is why I'm going to actually take the rest day today. Normally, I spin every day of the tour including the rest days, but not this year!

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