Monday, March 20, 2006

Stash in the mail...

A few weeks ago, I read in somebody's blog that Blue Moon Fiber Arts was starting a Socks That Rock club. Well, it took me all of two seconds to decide that I needed to join this club! It's a good thing I jumped on it, because they closed the club to membership the next day. There are a lot of people who love this yarn!

The first club installment arrived today: A yummy skein of lightweight Socks That Rock in Rainforest Jasper, an emergency skein of STR (LOL!), a button, a bumper sticker, and a cool sock pattern. Since I ordered the club for a year, I also got a binder to hold the patterns and other handouts that come with the club.

Boy, it's going to be VERY hard not to start a another pair of socks with this yarn! But, I need to finish my secret project (aka Secret) before I can start another project. Once Secret is done, I can start these new socks and swap off with my STR Lagoon socks that are in progress.

Speaking of which, I have about 5 inches done on the leg of the first Lagoon sock.; just another inch to go and I can work on the heel. I'm making good progress on Secret, too - it's a 3.5 skein project and I have 1.25 skeins done. I did not work on my cross stitch at all this weekend as I'm feeling the crunch with Secret. I'll get back to stitching at lunch time when Secret is done.

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WIP-it Wednesday...

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