Monday, May 01, 2006

April Project recap...and a happy dance!

What I finished in April (another short list, but at least there are pictures!):
  • Felted bag (before and after pictures)



    I'd just like to add that this felting thing is a lot of fun!

  • Catnip Mousie (with "help" from Sombra)

    Trying to take its official picture

    2 seconds later


What I worked on:
  • Cedar Creek socks - turned the heel on the first sock (finally!)
  • Jaywalker socks - working on the foot
  • Updating my stash database to include books, yarn, and needles. It's a FileMaker Pro database that I created to organize my stuff in the warped way I like to see things.
I'm still plugging away at my socks. I love them both, but my hands are very sore working with the small needle sizes they require. That's why the bag was so great to work on for a while. (The catnip mousie was just fun! )

I'm going to look for another project that uses bigger needles to swap off with the socks.

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