Monday, May 08, 2006

Back on track...

...after a very good weekend. How could it not be good when you wake up to these in your front yard?

Project-wise, I took my own advice and started something simpler (and on larger needles). A couple of weeks ago, I bought this cute yarn by Plymouth that just wanted to become a baby afghan. So I started that after lunch on Saturday and got this far by 6pm:

This is Lion Brand's diagonal baby afghan that I have used before. It's a simple pattern and easy to knit while watching TV. I only bought 4 balls of the Plymouth yarn - this picture represents 2. I think I need at least one more if not two skeins, but I don't expect to have any problems getting more. I know of two local yarn stores that carry it, so I'll get more this week.

Since I had been thinking about doing a simpler sock (and I was putting off looking at my Cedar Creek problem), I pulled out my Opal Tiger yarn, found a pattern that seemed simple (Boogie Knits' Twist and Shout socks), and cast on. I'm still working on the ribbing, not my favorite part, but it's nice to be doing something simple!

This time I'm using the two socks on two circular method. I like using circulars. I'd be using them for both the Jaywalkers and the Cedar Creeks if I didn't keep screwing up the pattern sections. I find that the DPNs help keep me in pattern better than the circulars do, even though my hands seem to do better with the circs.

Once I had progress with the afghan and the Tiger socks, I was able to face the cedar Creek socks. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just chalk it up to an ID-10-T error . So now, I'm back on track - I've made it past the decreases and am working my way down the foot.

Since I was doing so well on the Cedar Creeks again, I decided to do a few rows on the Jaywalkers, too. I am also past the decreases on this one and working my way down the foot.

All of this, plus I actually spent some time with my husband! On Sunday we went to the Mountain View "A La Carte and Art" festival and to the Farmers Market that was in the same area. It was nice to be out in the sunshine. We bought a couple of things at the Farmers Market and nothing at the festival. Our tastes tend to be a lot different than what you can find at arts and craft festivals, so we just look and enjoy the day.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...