Thursday, May 11, 2006

A little change in the blog's look...

...I'm not sure if this will be permanent, but at least it's not as vanilla as the previous one. I'm still mulling over how to incorporate knitting into my blog name.

The background photograph for this new title graphic was taken by my daughter in Costa Rica last year, She took some beautiful pictures of the sunsets, so I borrowed one. I used Fireworks to modify the photo and add the text. The sun icon is from P22's Mexican Relics font. (P22 is my favorite font source!)

My knitting projects are moving right along. I bought two more skeins of the Plymouth yarn for the baby afghan so I think I can finish that this weekend. I'm also doing some data entry in my stash database. My goal is to enter at least the titles and authors for all of my knitting books. I'm getting to the point where I don't remember what I have, what I've looked at, and what's on my wish list! So I restrain myself so I don't buy a duplicate, but that's not nearly as satisfying as buying a new treasure to read!

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Eye Candy Friday...

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