Friday, May 05, 2006

You know how some projects just don't go well?

My Cedar Creek socks are that way. Just when I think I'm making progress, I discover a problem. This time it was one half of a pattern row when I picked up the gusset. I couldn't have just screwed up the whole row so it could be called a design modification (LOL!), I had to mess up half of the thing! And it was too noticeable to leave in...ARG!

So last night, I pulled out everything to that row, got things situated on my needles and then counted...hmmm, when I started the heel, I counted at least four times to make sure I was holding back the required 38 stitches for the top of the foot - no more, no less. I count them every time I knit the pattern part...why do I have 39? OK let's pull out all the way back to where I start picking up the gusset, because I know there are 38 stitches for the pattern there. OK, that's done...count them I have 40!? WHAT????

I do not want to pull out the entire heel flap to figure out where I went wrong, so I need to think on this a bit and look at it with fresh eyes in the daylight...this saga will continue later.

On a better note, my Jaywalkers are coming along - I'm still working on the decreasing rows of the foot, but I have a rhythm going. Compared to the Cedar Creeks socks, the Jaywalkers are a piece of cake!

I think it's time to work on something simple, maybe a baby afghan. Or maybe I'll start machine quilting my turtle quilt:

Right now, sounds very appealing!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...