Friday, June 09, 2006

Happy to see Blogger back...

...that was an unexpected break in blogging. It's just as well. I'm not going to be doing much knitting for the next week while I channel my inner craftiness and finish up a graduation present for someone special. I can't go into any sort of detail, because she might read this.

Graduation presents for other people's kids are usually pretty easy: most appreciate money or gift cards and I can usually find a little remembrance for them. However, when it's your own kid, you want to do something special.

Now call me a bad mom, but I don't remember what we got her for high school graduation -- it was such a blur (plus it was 10 years ago). My husband and I worked on the Grad Night committee and were part of the parent chaperone contingent for the all-night party. By the time that was all over, we were exhausted and I don't remember much!

I made up for it (whatever "it" was) when she graduated from Stanford. I made an 80-square attic windows quilt, one square for a significant event, person, or activity in her life from birth to graduation. You can see a picture of it here. I also created a book that described the significance of each square and component of the quilt.

Now she's graduating from UCLA with a Masters in Latin American Studies and a Masters in Public Health. I need to commemorate that, but topping that quilt is tough to do! But, I'm going to do my best -- I hope she'll like it!

I also need to finish the turtle quilt so I can deliver that to my mother. We're picking her up on our way to L.A. for graduation and I want to give it to her in person. So I won't have a lot of time for knitting before we leave next week. But, once I get in that car, I plan on knitting all the way to L.A. and back!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...