Thursday, June 01, 2006

Just because it's June! (and a May recap)

OK, every time June rolls around, I think of Junior High Chorus when we had to sing "June Is Bustin' Out All Over" from the musical, Carousel. I remember all of the lyrics and can't get the d*mn song out of my head! (yeah, I know, bizarre!)

On to the May project recap...there's not much, but what can I say?

What I finished (
no pictures because to most recent ones are shown in my previous blog entry):
  • One Cedar Creek sock
  • A tan catnip mousie for Tica
What I worked on:
  • Cedar Creek sock #2 - turned the heel and working down the foot
  • Started machine quilting the turtle quilt
  • Baby afghan
  • Opal Tiger socks (on hold until I finish Cedar Creek)
  • Started a swatch for the Rock and Weave socks, testing the linen stitch
  • Added more stuff to my stash database. Starting working on index-card-size reports that I can stick in my purse
Back to the drawing board:
  • Jaywalker socks - I'll get back to these eventually
I worked on lots of stuff and made progress, I just didn't finish much. (Have I mentioned before that I get bored easily and need to have lots of things going? LOL!)

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...