Monday, July 10, 2006

Blogger hiccup and weekend progress...

...for some reason Blogger decided that my June recap post needed to be posted three times! I've deleted the extra two copies now--that was weird!

This weekend, I worked on the second Rock 'n Weave sock. I'm still working on the cuff, at row 75 of 150. I like the linen stitch, but it's starting to get boring. No point in posting a picture, since it looks just like the last one! Gee, maybe I'll be close to finished by the time the next Rockin' Sock Club installment arrives in a couple of weeks!

I also worked on a birthday present for my sister. Since I'm not sure whether she reads this blog, I'm not posting any details on it yet. Suffice it to say that it's not a knitted or cross stitch project! It was so hot though, I couldn't work on it for long stretches of time. Still, I made progress!

As a treat for making progress, I started my Sundara Calla Lily socks! Since I'm having boredom problems with second socks, I decided that I would use the "two socks on two circulars" method for these socks. I've only made it through one pattern repeat, but I'm already glad I picked this method. Since it's a 6-row pattern, I like the idea that when I've finished all of the pattern repeats, I'm done with the pattern portion! Here's a picture of my progress, such as it is:

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...