Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday again and very little to show...

Very little knitting (or other crafting, for that matter) has been accomplished this week.

One thing I have come to realize: I am a slow knitter. Whether that is because of the actual speed at which I knit, the speed at which I finish projects, or the fact that I get easily bored by repetitive projects, I'm just slow.
  • While others have finished their STR Rock 'n Weave socks, I have barely finished the second cuff and working on the foot part (finally!). And the new sock package is coming in a couple of days!
  • Others in the Petals Collection KAL have finished their Calla Lily socks, and I'm still on the 5th pattern repeat. (granted, I am doing two socks at one time, but still...)
Now, don't get me wrong. I love these socks and their patterns, and the yarns are absolutely yummy! I just haven't been able to get into knitting when I get home.

To see whether it was the socks or me, I started a Kitty Pi Bed with some yarn leftover from my felted bag. I got a good start on it, but...nope, it's me!

Of course, I'm also stalled on the secret present for my sister, so you'd think I'd understand that it wasn't the socks or knitting...nope,
it's me!

[sigh] I hope I can get back on track soon! My deadline for the secret project will be here before too long...

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Eye Candy Friday...

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