Friday, August 11, 2006

Busy weekend planned..

...gotta finish my sister's present, make some soap, and put my gift baskets together as well as do all those other weekend chores like buy groceries. Since I'm going to the reunion next Friday, it means that I can't leave much to finish during the week because there's not as much "week" next week. LOL!

Eye Canfy Friday

This week's entry is the photo I used to make my banner:

My daughter took this picture when she was in Costa Rica last summer. I love the combination of oranges and yellows even though they are not my favorite colors. (Click on it to see a larger view.)

That's it for now. If all goes as planned, I will have finished objects on Monday and some pictures!

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Eye Candy Friday...'s been a rainy week, making it challenging to get photos of the garden. Some of our bulbs are starting to bloom. This we...