Thursday, August 03, 2006

Warning: non-crafty post ahead...

Our daughter moved to Baltimore yesterday.

That sounds so strange to me. It's not like I wasn't prepared for it - I've been anticipating it ever since she decided to do her doctorate work at Johns Hopkins. Their offer was just too good to pass up and the school is fantastic.

It's just that she's all the way across the country. Unlike when she was in LA, we just can't hop in the car and drive there in case of an emergency. (Not that we ever had to, but it's the principal, you know...) And the plane fare is a lot more expensive...

We are used to seeing her off on her travels, whether to it's long trips to Costa Rica or short hops between here and LA. It's not the first time she's moved away from home;
she'd been living in LA for 3 years. But I worry about her being so far away from family and living in a new place. (I can hear her say it now: "Mom, chill!")

We have been blessed with a wonderful, intelligent, and caring daughter. I know she will do well and make the best of any situation. And there is always email, IM, and the phone (at least one of which we use daily).
It's just...

...our daughter lives in Baltimore.

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