Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's back to work we go...

...but I had the latest installment from Sundara's Petals Collection waiting for me. This is called Lenten Rose:

Lenten Rose
Yarn is always good, and I love her lacy sock pattern!

In keeping with my vow to catch up with project things, I took pictures of the quilts and cross stitch projects that were missing their "done" pictures. I'll get these posted up on my web site (see address in the side bar) in a few days.

While looking for these items, I ran across my first project. It's another thing that was missing a picture. I think I've mentioned this project in passing a couple of times. It is an embroidered dresser scarf that I did when I was about seven years old. (This is just a guess -- I remember working on it when we lived in the big house on the ranch, before we moved into the smaller foreman's house. I think we only lived in the big house for a year and I know we moved in just before I turned six.)

This poodle scarf has lots of French knots, satin stitching, straight stitches, and my two least favorite stitches, stem and lazy daisy:

My First Project
I guess I've always loved a challenge!

Tonight's challenge will be disassembling Christmas at home. It takes me just as many days to un-decorate as it does to put it all up in the first place. However, my goal is to get the tree ready for the recycling pickup on Thursday, so that will be the first thing I attack.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...and things are blooming everywhere. Our front yard looks great: In the backyard, we have new petunias. Purple Night Sky: ...