Friday, February 16, 2007

Eye Candy Friday...choices, choices...

I had three pictures that I really liked this week and I couldn't choose just one! So you get all three...hope that makes up for the lack of any crafty pictures!

First up: Another look at the gorgeous orchid plant my husband gave me:

This picture shows the clouds at the end of the storms--that's the roof of my house. Note the clouds reflected in the window.

After taking the above picture, I turned around and saw this:

I'm looking forward to the three day weekend and then Stitches West next week. I'm taking two classes: Mastering Yarn Substitution and Spinning for Knitting. I'm taking an extra day off just to chill and get mentally ready for Stitches, so I'm only working ONE day next week. (YAY!)

We'll see how much actually blog next week!

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Eye Candy Friday...'s been a rainy week, making it challenging to get photos of the garden. Some of our bulbs are starting to bloom. This we...