Monday, March 12, 2007

Hydrangea socks are not blooming well...

...I'm just not feeling the love.

I started working on these socks weeks ago. I put them down many times in the interim, mostly because of other projects. This weekend, I was hoping to make a good deal of progress so I could cast on for my new Rockin' Sock Club socks. Well, that didn't happen.

If you recall, I had picked up the gussets for both socks and was starting the decreases. About 4 rows into that, I discovered a major problem with the pattern row for one of the socks. It was so bad that I had to unravel back to 4 rows before the heel flap. ACK!

[Deep, cleansing breath]

I got the pattern back on track, reknit the heel flap, turned the heel, picked up the gusset and got back to the same point as the other sock. OK, whew! Knit a couple of rows on each sock and resigned myself to the fact that they weren't going to get done as soon as I wanted them to.

[Wait for the other shoe to drop]

This morning as I got them ready for a picture, I noticed that the other sock has a problem in one of the pattern rows before the heel flap! WTF?! And, it's not the same problem!! ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG!

I need more than a deep, cleansing breath. I need full-on knitting meditation.

I don't know why I'm having so many problems with this pattern. I love the yarn; I love the way the sock looks when it's done. I don't think it's the pattern, because I have one sock that is fine (at least, it is now). Maybe it's because the pattern spirals around the leg—I've had problems with that kind of pattern before. My brain doesn't seem to handle spiral-ness well. [sigh]

So, instead of a picture of two partial socks, you get a picture of one partial sock. (At least it's an arty shot! LOL!)

The other will soon become mostly spaghetti. And I am seriously rethinking about casting on for the new socks. I think I need something a little simpler, and definitely not spiraled!

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