Saturday, March 03, 2007

Looking for SolarCross? It's been renamed!

Welcome to Livin' La Needle Loca
Just me and my crazy needles working on being crafty!

For the last few months, I've been thinking about renaming the blog. When I started SolarCross, I was just getting into knitting seriously—cross stitch was my main focus. So I named my blog with that in mind.

Cross stitch is no longer my primary craft. I knit; I quilt; I sew; I do needlepoint; I cross stitch. These are all things with needles and some sort of fiber, whether it's yarn, thread, or floss. They are all very satisfying and creative endeavors. And they can also be crazy-making when things aren't working right!

I started thinking of different names that use fiber or needles. Most of the great ones were already taken. I also wanted to incorporate our family's love for puns in there somewhere. The new name is perfect and really expresses more about who I am.

So here I am in my new home.
I've moved all of the SolarCross postings here. Look in the archive list if there's something you wanted to see again.

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