Tuesday, May 29, 2007

three days goes by so fast...

...and I wasn't ready to go back to work yet. I got a lot accomplished around the house, but not as much spinning or knitting as I wanted.

I've almost finished with the Daughter's room. She now has a place to hang some clothes and a desk she can use. I just need to pick up a few things off the floor and mop.

One of the things I wanted to do was some filing. Unfortunately, when I started this project yesterday, I realized that we had no room left in the filing cabinet and a serious purge was necessary. It's been so long since I cleaned out this cabinet, it was like an archaeological dig. I found the original house payment book (from 1971), the plans for the pool (installed around 1974 and removed about 5 years ago), car repair bills for cars we don't have anymore, house papers with my ex-husband's name on them (we divorced in 1982), and the vet receipts for cats who went over the Rainbow Bridge 10 years ago. There is now a huge pile of shredding plus a bunch of paper for recycling.

On the spinning front, I'm still working on the second bobbin of Burning Bush roving and I'm on the second spindle of Moonstone. My biggest spinning accomplishment was plying the Grape Jelly roving. The color on this picture isn't quite right, but does show the full bobbin:

Grape Jelly roving, plied
Here's a close up that shows the colors that are more true to life:

Close-up of Grape Jelly yarn
As planned, I made a 3-ply yarn. I don't know the weight yet; I'll test it after washing and drying. For my first 3-ply yarn, I think I did OK. (And, none of my singles broke during the plying process. Yay!) I'll post the final information about this yarn after it's been washed and measured.

Sadly, no time for knitting this weekend. I've got to learn how to balance my project time between knitting and spinning!

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WIP-it Wednesday...

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