Sunday, June 17, 2007

celebrating the fathers in my life...

Today, I'd like to salute the fathers in my family, and extended family.

First and foremost is my father. As I've mentioned before, my father passed away when I was 11. I still miss him, especially on his birthday and Father's Day. Even now, 40-mumble years later, some of my memories are crystal-clear...his smile and his voice are still with me.

So on Father's Day, I celebrate my father. He wasn't here nearly long enough.

Me and my parents
I also celebrate the Husband. When he joined our family, the Daughter was 3 years old. It took a lot of guts to become a step-father at 26. He has always been supportive and loving in his relationship with her and he is the perfect partner, as a parent and a husband (Love you, JR!). This is one of my favorite pictures of them:

The Daughter and the Husband
I also celebrate my father-in-law, brothers, and brothers-in-law. They are all great dads and have raised really great kids. And I celebrate all the other dads in my life. I could fill this blog with their pictures, but you'll just have to take my word for it. They are all wonderful!

Happy Father's Day to the fathers in your life!

1 comment:

shauna said...

awww, cutie...

WIP-it Wednesday...

...making progress. I completed sewing together the blocks for the Harding Cats quilt. I am considering adding a wider border in a lig...