Friday, June 08, 2007

Eye Carrot Friday...

...carrot harvest picture courtesy of the Husband:

Home-grown carrots
Pretty cool...can't wait to try them!

Oh, and let me report on the new spindle: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Not only is it gorgeous, but it spins smoothly and spins longer than any of my other spindles. It's just what I needed for the Moonstone roving.

My weekend plans have shifted a bit, but it's all good. The Daughter is now coming home on Sunday instead of Saturday and the Husband is taking a long bike ride on Saturday. This means I can clean the house Saturday morning and have the rest of the day to spin or knit! Yay!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...