Monday, June 25, 2007

misplaced my sock mojo...

...and I need to find it, quick!

So this weekend, I was going grea
t guns on my Tide Walker socks and started turning the heel on the first one. It was looking a little long, so I only did a couple of rows before I tried it on. is too long. About an INCH too long...rats!! (OK, I admit that I said something a whole lot stronger than rats!) I had no choice but to frog them back to the foot and start the heel gusset again. So, basically I am back to where I was two weeks ago. (!@#$?!)

This is the third pair of socks in a row that have had issues. [Rationalization mode ON] At least this one I can attribute to the fact that these are my first toe-up socks and I am not familiar with how long I should make the foot before starting the gusset increases and how it should look on my foot at that point. [Rationalization mode OFF] Everything I read said to allow about 3 inches for it and that's what I did. Obviously for my foot, it's a little closer to 4 inches. So, I frogged and now I'm starting the gusset increase again. At least what I do have fits very nicely!

While I formulated my plan of attack for the Tide Walkers I decided to spin a bit. I finished the fourth spindle-full of Moonstone and started a fifth. On the wheel, I finished one chunk of the Lupines and Poppies roving. Here's a picture of my progress:

Lupines and Poppies spinning
I am really enjoying the color transitions on this. The poppy color is much more muted than I expected, which is fine.

Oh, and my latest Blue Moon Rockin' Sock Club installment was waiting for my when I got home on Friday!

Firebird yarn
It's called Firebird. Here's a close-up of the colors:

Firebird close-up
These are colors I would have never chosen for myself, so it's a nice change of pace. The sock pattern looks interesting, too. Plus, the yarn name is the same as the local high school's mascot name, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

I need all the good [knitting] signs I can get!

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