Monday, June 11, 2007

weekend spinning... was good!

I finished spinning the Burning Bush roving and am in the process of plying it. I'm making this a 3-ply yarn, too:

Burning Bush yarn
I'm still spinning the Moonstone roving, using the new spindle. Here's a picture of my progress:

Moonstone spinning
The yarn on the right was spun with my Cascade Little Si spindle; the yarn on the left was spun with my square mini Spindlewood spindle. The lighter spindle has made a big difference on the consistency and thinness of my spinning.

I'm making slow progress on the Tide Walker socks (the spinning keeps calling to me!). I have another half inch before I start the heel.

I'm off today and tomorrow, so I'll be able to finish plying the Burning Bush yarn. The next picture you see will be of the completed yarn!

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