Monday, July 02, 2007

apricot harvest...

OK, so maybe the final post on the apricots this year .

Here is the harvest...

Apricot harvest 2007
...and the requisite close-up:

Harvest close-up
There are still apricots on the tree that were too green to pick, so this isn't everything. But believe, me it's more than enough for the two of us! We've already frozen a bunch of them and need to do more before they get overripe. I've also made a wonderful apricot sorbet (Yum!) from the ones that were too soft to freeze.

I think we'll be eating apricots for a while!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...