Tuesday, July 03, 2007

frustration, thy name is...

...Tide Walker!

Remember that I frogged these socks back to before the increases and then frogged back another inch because they were an inch too long? Well, last night I finally got to the point where I could do the heel on the first sock. D@mn if they weren't still too long!

ARG! I am so not feeling the love for toe-up socks right now! It took all my will power not to fling them across the room!

I need to regroup and figure out what to do. I have two choices:
  1. Try again, this time with a different kind of heel—the Jaywalker one is just not working.
  2. Forget the toe-up thing, frog them completely, and knit them cuff-down.
I really love the way the Walking on the Wild Tide yarn looks in this pattern. It's just the toe-up thing that's kicking my @$$. This is one of those things where I can't seem to grasp going in "reverse." (I have this problem with other things, too. For example, I can't skate backwards to save my life; forward is fine.)

[Sigh!] Maybe I should stick to spinning for now. Sirena doesn't make me knit heels...

Or maybe I should pick up one of my cross stitch UFOs. They don't have heels either...

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