Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lupines and Poppies yarn again..

...because you don't want to see another picture of the spindle full of Moonstone roving. That's all I've had time to spin the last couple of days!

Here is the finished Lupines and Poppies yarn:

Lupines and Poppies yarn
It is dry and ready to be knit into something—just what, I have no idea!

The yarn is 12 to 14 WPI, probably Light weight (sport) on the average. I did a better job with the Navajo-plying this time, so it mostly looks like "real" yarn. LOL!

Here's a closeup:

Close-up of Lupines and Poppies yarn
OK, that's it. That's all I got!

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Eye Candy Friday...

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