Monday, July 23, 2007

mischief managed... (no spoilers here) Harry Potter book arrived Saturday at 2pm. I finished reading it at 3pm Sunday. The spoiler-free review:

It was an excellent ending to the series and a very satisfying read!

That's all I'm saying...

The rest of the weekend was good, too. On Friday night the Daughter and I went to the movies to see Hairspray. OMG, it was so good! John Travolta was amazing! Being a fan of the original John Waters movie, I wasn't sure how I'd like the adjusted story line and the musical numbers, but it all worked very well.

On Saturday while I waited for the HP book to arrive, I did some chores around the house and started spinning a new roving on the wheel. Whenever I took a break from reading, I'd spin a little. As a result by Sunday night, I'd finished a bobbin of the Cali Falkland roving that I bought from
Yarn Wench.

Bibbin of Cali roving
(This doesn't show all of the colors in this roving; there is a lot more blue in it.)

I also started a new roving on the spindle. This is Josie, also from Yarn Wench:

Josie roving and spindle
The Husband arrived home safely late Saturday night, so all is right with my world now!

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