Monday, July 09, 2007

my stage 1 yarn

I did manage to Navajo ply the Lupines and Poppies single yesterday. I have about 4 places that were too loosely spun, but I managed to ply through them to get a fairly decent join.

Here's the yarn before it's bath:

Lupines and Poppies yarn
Yarn Wench 100% Merino top (approx 2oz spun; 2.2oz not yet spun)
Color: Lupines and Poppies
Spun and plied on Lendrum Folding wheel
Yield: 184 yards Navajo plied
Weight: TBD (I'll do this after it dries)

While I was taking its picture, I had some help from Tica. (Sombra was hanging around, too, but she has an annoying habit of sticking her nose in the camera lens whenever I try to take her picture!)

Nosy Tica
"What's this stuff? It doesn't smell like catnip..."

When I finished the Lupines and Poppies plying, I immediately started on the second half of the Apricot Cinder wool. I made good progress on it, but my shoulders were starting to get tired and I stopped.

For Stage 2, I will work on the Moonstone roving that I have on the spindle. There's still quite a bit to do on this one, so we'll see how far I get!

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