Monday, July 30, 2007

my Tour de Fleece report...

...goals achieved! If I wore yellow, I'd be wearing my yellow jersey! (LOL!)

My main goal was to spin every day except for the designated rest days. I managed to to that, although a couple of days it was really tough. Thank goodness for the spindle! I finished 2 yarns that I had started before Tour de Fleece, started and finished another 2 yarns, and started 3 more (1 on the spindle and 2 on the wheel).

My second goal was to try a new technique. I did that with the Mermaid yarn (see below) by plying with Rayon thread.

Mermaid yarn
My third goal was to challenge myself by spinning something I hadn't spun before: the merino-silk roving I've had in my stash for two years. It was scary at first, because I didn't want to ruin it, but I've gotten into a rhythm now. Here's a "dime" picture:

Merino-silk close-up
This yarn is taking a while to spin because I'm doing it thin and I'm taking my time with it. I love the colors...I just wish I could get a picture with the true colors. It's a lot more purple than this.

With the tour completed, I'm going to get back to a balance of spinning and knitting. I didn't really do a lot of knitting during the tour because I just didn't have enough time in the day.

Last night, I cast on for the Fawkes socks using the Firebird yarn from the last Rockin' Sock Club installment. I liked the Solstice Slip pattern that came with the club yarn, but I like the way that Fawkes looks in the yarn. Plus, it kind of commemorates the last Harry Potter. I'm also still knitting
the Montego Bay wrap (scarf) in the Walking on the Wild Tide yarn.

That should keep me out of trouble!

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