Here is the completed Moonstone yarn that I finished plying last night. It hasn't had a bath yet, so I expect it will loosen up a bit and get even softer after that.

...and the close-up:

Chasing Rainbows 100% Merino top (2 oz)
Color: Moonstone
1/3 spun on Cascade Little Si spindle; 2/3 spun on Spindlewood square whorl mini
Plied on Lendrum Folding wheel
Yield: 211 yards, Navajo plied
Weight: 16wpi (average), Fingering
One thing I noticed when plying this yarn was that I had absolutely no breakage. I still have a few "soft" places in my wheel-spun singles that break during the plying process (fewer and fewer, though, as I get more consistent in my spinning). Having no breakage meant that the plying process went more smoothly. Now if I can just improve the consistency of my Navajo-plying, I'll be really pleased!
To date, that makes 4 yarns that I have completed during Tour de Fleece. Tonight, I will pick a Merino roving from the stash for the next spindle project and choose one of my Falkland tops for the wheel.
There is more spinning on tap this weekend, when I'm not reading the new Harry Potter book. The book arrives tomorrow from Amazon and I can't wait to read it! Also, the Husband gets home this weekend! Yay! I'm sure he has loads of pictures and stories from his vacation that he will share.
So, busy weekend for me...hope yours is good, too!
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