Friday, July 13, 2007

Sky Candy Friday, again...

...cuz I've got nothing new to show on the spinning front.

July Sky, with bird
That black dot on the left? Click to enlarge the picture and you'll see that it's a bird. It just flew into the frame as I took the picture. (BTW, this was taken Wednesday morning. This morning we have blue skies.)

On to Tour de Fleece. I managed to squeeze in some time with Sirena last night and spun more of the Apricot Cinder roving. I'll be able to finish this up tomorrow when I have more time. Then I can start something new on the wheel.

This weekend is the Hallmark ornament preview, and I'll be there on Saturday. As any of my friends and family can tell you, I seriously love Christmas. I look forward to the ornament preview every year and buy several for us and for gifts.

I also get to trek to the San Francisco airport Saturday night to pick up the Daughter. She's been on a university-arranged trip for two weeks and gets back then.

Sunday is for spinning...I don't plan on doing anything else!

I hope every one has a great weekend planned, too!

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...another week just whipped by. The garden is starting to get some color. The nasturtiums are popping up all over, as are the frees...