Monday, July 16, 2007

spinning me a yarn...or two...

I had a great weekend all the way around.

I picked the Daughter up at SFO. She caught an earlier flight, which worked out great for both of us. She got home 3 hours earlier and I didn;'t have to drive to the airport late at night.

The Husband called and said he survived another Seattle-to-Portland bike ride. (LOL!) He's taking a short vacation with my brother and sister-in-law before coming home.

Me, I ran a couple of errands and mostly spun the entire weekend! First off, I finished the Apricot Cinder yarn.

Apricot Cinder Yarn
Here's a close-up:

Close up of Apricot Cinder yarn

Yarn Wench 100% Falkland top (3.7oz)
Color: Apricot Cinder
Spun and plied on Lendrum Folding wheel
Yield: 272 yards Navajo plied
Weight: TBD, but I'm guessing between Sport (2) and DK (3)

Next, I tried an experiment with the Mermaid Roving I bought from Spunky Eclectic. I wanted to see how plying with thread would affect the look of this roving. I spun the roving as a thick-thin single, basically just letting it do its thing. Then I plied it with one strand of Teal rayon thread and one strand of gold rayon thread, letting the threads act as one ply. Here's the result:

Mermaid yarn
...and the close-up:

Close up of Mermaid yarn
Spunky Eclectic South African Fine Wool roving (4oz)
Color: Mermaid
Spun and plied on Lendrum Folding wheel
Plied with teal and gold rayon threads
Yield: 167 yards, essentially a two-ply
Weight: Bulky; WPI TBD

This method of plying worked pretty well, after I got the hang of it. I think this yarn will make an interesting scarf. However, next time I'll try one ply of a thick-thin single, a thin single, and 1 strand of thread.

Next up: This is a rest day for Tour de Fleece, so I think I'll break out some knitting while I decide what to spin next!

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