Friday, August 24, 2007

TG Eye-Candy F again!

...I'll close this week with some chile pepper pictures from the Husband's garden.

Purple-black peppers...

Purple-black peppers
...and twisty green ones.

Green chile peppers
Also, here's an updated picture of the Fawkes socks. The colors aren't quite right, but very close! I love how these are turning out. I just wish I had more time to work on them.

Fawkes socks in progress
Up this weekend, tomorrow I take my car in for maintenance. I'll work on the Fawkes socks while I wait for the car to get done. Other than that, no other plans; I'll just take the rest of the weekend as it comes. A little cleaning, a little spinning, a little knitting, who knows what else!

Have a good one!

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