Tuesday, August 14, 2007

yes, I live...

...my project deliverables were turned in yesterday and I took the afternoon off! I tried to catch up on some sleep, but that didn't work, so I did a little knitting.

I worked on the second pattern repeat for the Fawkes socks. I really like the pattern, but it might show up better in a different yarn. However, I am determined to make this pair of socks, so I am not going to unravel these and switch to another pattern!

Fawkes socks cuffs
As for the weekend, I spent Saturday doing something I wanted to do: Spin! I finished spinning the Cali roving and plied it. It still needs its bath, but I liked the way it turned out. Its a little too energized right now and I'm hoping the bath will relax it a little.

Cali yarn
The dime shot:

Cali yarn close-up
Yarn Wench 100% Falkland top (3.9oz)
Color: Cali
Spun and plied on Lendrum Folding wheel
Yield: 242 yards Navajo plied
Weight: 14 WPI (average), between Sport and Fingering
(Well, at least I'm somewhat consistent. So far all my wheel-spun 3-ply yarns are about 14 WPI.)

I also spun more of the Merino-Silk roving. No new pictures of this one--I'm still on the first bobbin.

On Sunday, I worked. 'Nuff said.

I'm hoping that I'll get back to a more normal schedule now that the big push is done. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Eye Candy Friday...

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