Yes, I am a slow knitter. While others just whiz through patterns and whip up socks right and left
I spent most of Sunday on the Summer of Love Lace (Flower Power) socks. I finished the cuffs, steam blocked them, and did the ribbing. For the amount of time I spent on them, I should be a lot farther (or done if I was like some of you speed demons out there!), but no.
Saturday was for shopping and spinning. I went to Purlescence to check out the Dreams in Color yarn that just arrived and to see whether they had any new spinning fibers. (I just love going in that store and fondling the yarns! ) After checking everything out, I ended up buying the Baby Tulip Sweater pattern and the Dreams in Color yarns to make it! I need to get a few things done before I can start this, so it may be a while. (Remember, slow knitter here...)
As for spinning, I finished the first half of the October Sky roving and started the second. As an experiment, I tried splitting off a color horizontally and spinning that. Thank goodness I had only split off one color I hated the way it looked spun up. So, I'm back to the lengthwise splits and I'm living with the greenish-gold. It will look better when it's plied, right?
I also started the Secret Christmas far, so good!
OK, I'm off to do real work now...I'll get back to the socks tonight.
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