We had a wonderful dinner out on Friday, but I ate far too much! The Husband did himself proud in the birthday gift department. He gave me a framed linoleum print of a cat (awww!) and a platinum wedding band that matches my 20th anniversary ring (Yeah!). What a guy!
I got the organization bug and alphabetized our DVDs and entered then into the database. We appear to be missing about 6 DVDs...some of them might have taken a trip to Baltimore to visit the Daughter. LOL!
On the spinning front, I finished up the first bobbin of the Merino-silk roving and started spinning October Sky, another Yarn Wench roving. I'm not sure I like the way the colors are blending on this new roving, but it will probably look better when it's plyed.
I decided to cast-on the Summer of Love Lace socks (the latest Rockin' Sock Club installment) because everyone had said how fast they knit up. I'm all for fast! I also worked on the Montego Bay wrap a little.
I'm still working on putting together a project notebook for my knitting and spinning. I'm stalled while I try to figure out where I put all the yarn labels for the finished projects and whether the book I purchased is really the right one to use.
We are still enjoying a bounty of tomatoes. I leave you with a picture of last night's salad. Four kinds of tomatoes, some mozzarella, home-grown basil, olive oil, and Balsamic vinegar:

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