Monday, September 24, 2007

well, that was a rude awakening...

...the window estimate was, to say the least, more than we expected. After we picked ourselves up off the floor, we told the guy we'd have to think about it. Yeah, think about getting them replaced by someone else! I know you have to pay for quality, but, wow! (I can't imagine what the estimate would have been if we'd included ALL of the windows.) So, we are now looking at plan B.

Before the estimator arrived, I did some light cleaning and shifted things around in my sewing room to make it easy for him to get to the sliding glass door. I also did a hit-and-run organization pass in the room.

After the estimate shocker, I decided to concentrate on getting ready for our trip and working on my crafty know, things that are more under my control. (LOL!) I bought the cat supplies we needed, found a few sample-size things and quart-size zip bags, and did my standard errands.

I got my wish and got soup weather. In celebration, I made a big pot of chicken soup for Sunday dinner (yum!). Besides the classic onions, carrots, and celery, I added some fresh cut corn. It was wonderful!

In between all these goings-on, I knit on the Summer of Love Lace socks. I am now on the instep of both socks, working my way through the decreases. These socks are looking really good and I'm very happy with them.

I also finished spinning the singles of October Sky:

October Sky singles
I'm leaning towards a two-ply yarn, rather than a 3-ply because of the way the colors blended during the spinning. If the color changes all looked like the picture above, I'd do a Navajo 3-ply to preserve them, but they don't. While I decide, I'll let the singles rest and work on something else.

I'm starting to put things aside to take on our trip. I'm debating whether to take a spindle...I may not have enough time to knit, much less spin. Hmmm, I'll think on this...I have a week to decide.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...short and sweet. I went down a rabbit hole on Wednesday, compiling tax information. It took a couple of days, so I didn't post...