Monday, October 08, 2007

last day in Baltimore...

...boy, that week went fast!

Some short knitting hits:
  • Finished the Summer of Love Lace socks...Yay!
  • Still working on the Poppy socks from the Petals Collection
  • Started a pair of Peek-a-boo mittens for the Daughter
I'll post pictures of knitting progress when I get home. The lighting in our room isn't that great and given some of the interesting residents in this neighborhood, I'm not taking pictures of these outside! If I'd planned better, I could have taken pictures of the finished socks when we went to the arboretum.

No souvenir yarn either. Today was the only day I had some extra time, and the two stores I wanted to go to are closed on Mondays. Rats!

I leave you with a picture from today's trip to the Cylburn Arboretum:

Cylburn: flower and bee
More pictures to follow when I get back to the real world.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...short and sweet. I went down a rabbit hole on Wednesday, compiling tax information. It took a couple of days, so I didn't post...