Friday, October 26, 2007

October's last Eye Candy Friday...

...can you believe that November starts next Thursday?! Neither can I!

Rounding out our guava experience of the week, here are yellow cherry guavas:

Yellow Cherry Guava

And for you flower lovers, alstroemeria from a purchased bouquet.


I bought the bouquet to decorate our dinner table last night. We had a wonderful visit with my high school friend Jane and her husband Gordon. They've never been here before, so we gave them a tour of the house and the garden. And of course, I had to show her some of my stash and my spinning wheel, Sirena. I demonstrated spinning on the wheel and showed off my handspun yarn.

Jane brought her daughter's wedding album to share—they had a stellar photographer and the album was gorgeous (as was the bride!). We spent some time going through a few of my old pictures, talked about where we used to live, and (of course) our daughters.

For dinner, we got take-out from the Country Gourmet so we could enjoy our conversation. (I love Country Gourmet, but it's always really noisy...) Their visit was really too short, but they needed to rest up after their long drive from Oregon; they are on their way to LA as I write this.

Now that my house is clean (LOL!), I can catch up on some of my knitting and spinning. I'd really like to finish my Poppy socks this month so I can move onto the new Rockin' Sock Club installment that is arriving any day now!

Have a great weekend!

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Finished Object...

 ...yay! I needed some spinning meditation so I pulled out a Greenwood Fiberworks sparkle fiber. I love how this spins up and I just l...