Wednesday, October 10, 2007

home again...

...we made it back, but we're both very tired! The Husband is fighting a cold he picked up along the way, and I have a scratchy throat. Regardless, it feels good to be back in familiar surroundings.

The cats are a little jumpy--they're not quite sure what to make of us. They've had the run of the house for a week and we've invaded their territory!

I've caught up with the mail and laundry. I'm getting my stuff together to go back to work tomorrow. [sigh]

As promised, here are pictures of the socks I worked on during vacation. First up, the completed Summer of Love Lace socks from the Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club:

Summer of Love Lace socks

And a close-up:

Summer of Love Lace socks, close-up

Here's an in-progress picture of the Petals Collection Poppy socks:

Poppy Socks in progress

The picture doesn't do justice to the rich color of this yarn, but you get an idea of what they look like. I have 3 more pattern repeats before I can start the heel.

So that's pretty good...two entries for Socktoberfest!

That's it for now. I'll be back with some Baltimore pictures on Eye Candy Friday.

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Eye Candy Friday...

 ...short and sweet. I went down a rabbit hole on Wednesday, compiling tax information. It took a couple of days, so I didn't post...